Sunday, October 19, 2014

Harry Pogger vs the Hedgehog Dementors

After four night shifts, my mind shifted back from work-work-work to Poggles.  I had hoped to pick up a new baby hedgehog this Sunday, but soon realized I was not really in the right mind set to get a new baby yet.  I still missed Poggles too much.

Instead, my hunny took me out for coffee and pastries, we strolled around the markets, and we hunted for Halloween pumpkins.  He picked three perfect pumpkins and I chose one demented one.  I imagined turning its hideous-ness into some kind of amazing art piece, but had to admit afterwards that the pumpkin (unfortunately) looked like a large orange butt.  C'est la vie.

Today, I curled into bed and read books.  It was very comfy and comforting.  I also painted this picture of Harry Pogger.  He is fighting plump hedgehog-shaped dementors.  My hunny says the dementors need scarier, longer arms, but I like them short and chubby as is.  Sort of cuter... in a dementor sort of way.

My friend came by and gave me a lovely card wishing me to feel better soon.  She also gave me a cute hedgehog ornament that reminded her of Poggles.  She even drew in a V where Poggles used to have two white quills that formed a V-shape.  I thought that was really sweet of her.  It really brought a smile to my day.

I hope you are having a good weekend  :)


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