Sunday, December 17, 2006

Captain, we have a blog!

Welcome to a new online tool for to share our experiences in tutoring and in building a place online for tutors and students to meet!

It's not easy having a dream to build something to help others but it has been worthwhile... so far :P - Our History

So perhaps you're wondering, what is, and why was it started? Well, the story begins with a small tutoring company called Honours Tutoring. Started as a flexible, part-time venture, Honours Tutoring offered private tutors in various subjects. Parents and students would contact me with their tutoring needs, and I would find a tutor for them. It was a small, but successful venture. I had a collection of great tutors, and parents were happy to refer more parents.

However, about 2 years ago, I closed up Honours Tutoring. I had finished my studies and found a great full-time job, and I didn't have the time to run a growing tutoring business. I was very sad to let it go, and especially to say good-bye to my own students. However, it seemed that I couldn't walk away from my tutoring past. With no ads posted that I was aware of, students and parents still called looking for tutors - and I had no where to send them.

My brain started ticking. - The Beginning

There were always students looking for tutors, and there were always tutors looking for students. I wanted to create a place for them to meet - a posting board of sorts. With what skills I had in web development, I whipped up in a weekend and I have been modifying and improving it since. is here to give tutors some free or low-cost advertising space, and it is also a great place for students to find a tutor. The number of postings grows daily, and I am confident that they will multiply in number once school starts up again. To fund this project, we have Google Ads and sponsored ads, and soon we will have Featured Tutors and used textbook postings. I hope that this website will be able to sustain itself financially over time (it doesn't right now), but I am content that the site is being used already and that students have been able to connect with tutors. If ever does turn a profit, our first goal will be to hire a programmer to revamp the site. Our next goal after that, will be to start a bursary. We are not-for-profit in nature, and hope that you will continue to help support our site by posting ads, browsing our postings, and telling your friends about us.

Thank you for being part of our beginning, we hope that we will have many success stories to share with you in the near future.

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