Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Green Strawberry Garden Explosion

Last year, I separated out a big pot of strawberries that had hugely overgrown. The result was an overabundance of plants which I divided up and gave away. I kept some strong plants to re-pot, and I planted the damaged or weak looking plants into the communal garden.

There were no strawberries from the weak plants last year- not even one! But this year? Oh my goodness!
It's strawberry mania!
There are not many leaves, but there are so many strawberries!
I have eaten one so far and it's sweet and fragrant like a strawberry candy. Ohhh, it's so good. I can hardly wait for them to ripen.
Luscious, luscious strawberries. How do I love thee!
In other news, I ate all the pea shoots. We ate them last year too when the plant failed to bloom, and the pea plants then erupted into many new shoots and a multitude of blooms. Looks like it worked like a charm this year too. There are tender, new shoots growing out from every leaf node. I highly recommend pinching off the tops of your pea plants when they are at a good height. This will encourage bushiness. I'm not sure if you can eat all pea shoots (I know you can't eat Sweet Peas), but mine are an edible variety.

Happy gardening!


  1. Wow! That is fantastic. I wish my thumb were that green. I have a few plants that I'm growing, but generally speaking... I can kill dandelions.

  2. mmmmmm....I see some shortcake in your not too distant future!

  3. How exciting! I wish I had a green thumb, I kill everything I tough :(

  4. Wow! I'm always amazed by folks who are good at growing stuff! Our garden is about survival only!

  5. mmmm strawberries..the birds gobble them all up here..

  6. Wonderful! I've just jumped into planting my garden so we'll see what comes :)

  7. oooooooooooh your strawberries look amazing! nothing like fresh fruit!

  8. Lol, I wish I could take credit for these strawberries, but my well-tended ones are actually all leaves and few berries - I think these strawberry plants LIKE a little neglect! It's weird...

  9. looks like they'll be delicious!

    I'm a flower garden girl myself, my irises just had their run, come check out my blog to see them.
    : )


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