Sunday, June 27, 2010

Twilight Night With The Girls

Tonight was Twilight Night! Two of my girlfriends and I got together and we watched the first two Twilight films so that we can refresh our memories (and geek out) before we watch the third one coming out soon. I know, I know, you're shaking your head and wondering why I've gone and lost my mind like this, but it was really fun!

We've all watched the movies before so we could chat and comment about the different scenes and actors throughout and no one minded one bit. You can't do that in a real movie theater - people would stare you down and yell at you! Instead, we chatted happily and nibbled on nachos, veggies and dip, chicken strips, wings, sausage rolls, tea cakes with homemade jam... (I've GOT to learn how to make some homemade jam of my own, it was so good!) Oh, and I made Shirley Temples!
I was looking for a red, Twilight-themed drink, but I came across Shirley Temples and they looked so cheery that I couldn't resist making some for the party. I'll post the instructions for how to make one soon. We did a lot of experimenting so that we could get the look and taste of it just right :)
Heh, and I made some Twilight-themed matchbook notebooks. I thought it would be nice to have a little treat/present for each of them since they were so nice to geek it out with me. I do love the Twilight series so much!I hope you're having a lovely weekend with your dear family and friends.


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