Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Log Cabin Patchwork Pincushion Success

After gazing longingly every day at lovely log cabin patchwork pincushions and other marvelous patchworking, I came home to a most wonderful discovery - my fabric order from FabricFlair had arrived!
It was filled with many pretty fabrics. I ooh'd and ahh'd, and then I picked out my favourite pieces and sat down for some sewing.

I had to refer to a YouTube video on how to sew a log cabin quilt, and I referred to a tutorial on Purl Bee blog for some idea on what size to cut the strips. They recommended 3/4 of an inch wide strips, and that worked out well for me. (The resulting pincushion will be approximately 2 x 2 inches, so make the strips wider or add more rounds if you want a larger pincushion.)
Here are all my pieces cut to size and laid out the way I want them. This was really fun.
I only have a little piece of the strawberry fabric, but I knew that I wanted it to be part of my new pincushion. Then I chose a pink bird... because it's cute :) Then came some edges of yellow butterflies.
I was going in pastel rainbow colours so green foilage came next. I meant for blue and green florals after that, but the center of the flower ended up looking more like a blackberry, which I like even better! Everyone knows that strawberries and blackberries make very good pies... mmm!
And then came pink stripes because I'm feeling kind of girly lately and that calls for pink!
I've been saving a piece of really neat designed fabric for something special, and the back of the pincushion seemed to be a perfect spot. I chose a portion of the design that happened to have some red and pink in it... and a little black-eyed bird!

Ah yes, success is sweet. I adore my new pincushion and, guess what? I'm going to make MORE! Let me know if you want one too!

As I was making this, it occurred to me that this would make a darling pillow for a doll. Would you agree?

Have a merry day!


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