Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Finished Hedgehog and Bird Wedding Cake Toppers

Yay!  The little hedgehog wedding cake toppers are done!  Cute, huh?  I made them in Fall-themed colours.
These are the finished bird wedding cake toppers.  They are also ready for an orange and blue-green almost Fall-themed wedding.  I made these two sets of toppers in preparation for my wedding, but I think I made them too small.  They are only about 1.5 inches tall.  I think they should be about 3 inches tall to be visible on a cake from a distance.  These would be perfect for a little cake  :)  So I will call them my prototypes for now. 
Here are some pictures from when I first painted them.  
At this point they were missing some detail on the eyes.
This is after the detail for the eyes was added.
 He looks very lonely when there is no one standing next to him. 
Here are the birds after I painted them.
 I gave them some cute, rosy faces.
 And lots of detail on the wings.  My paint brush magically creates a weird indentation as it dries and it makes the perfect feather stamp.
 The blue bird leans a little to the side.  For future birds, I will need to make a flatter bottom so it does not want to roll.  However, the leaning works with the interaction between the two birds. 
Here they are drying the night before.
Today I gave them their clear coats.  Now they are glossy and protected.  I love them.  Now I will make more (but bigger).

Have a great day!


  1. they're so cute! eventual product idea for the etsy shop? :)

  2. hey,

    wow lovely couple birds. i like this blog posting thanks ...

    wedding cake toppers

  3. Hello! I would love to order the hedgehog cake toppers for my Wedding on October 18th! Is that possible? If so, how can I do that??


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