Saturday, August 2, 2014

Poggy Bath Time

It's been a while since I have written on this blog.  So much has happened since then in my life.  One thing that has stayed pretty consistent though is Poggles.
Well, mind you, he's a bit more mellow than he used to be.  I can actually pick him up in the bath like this without him making a fuss.
Look at him sitting with his little paws on my hand like a champ!
Who switched out my grumpy little boy for this mellow fellow?
Who is this Poggles imposter?!?
Omg... he's been switched with this fuzzy teddy bear of a hedgehog!
This imposter is photogenic too.
Hee hee!
But when bath time is over, he reverts to his true self.
But even then it's kind of odd.  He doesn't even really care that he's on his back.
Look, he unraveled and just looked at me!
He was tired after bath and photo time.  He burrowed his way into his comfy fleece liner blanket.

I think it's time for a nap.  I love my new mellow sweet boy.  I think old age is making him calmer.  It's either that or he's FINALLY realizing that all good and tasty things come from his adopted mother.  I also gave him a nice bath on a super hot day.  I think he liked the water since he sat there with all this quills down and just enjoyed the bath.
Did you know that Poggles is three years old now?  We didn't have a birthday party on his birthday, but he enjoyed some pureed chicken in broth baby food plus some organic turkey and vegetable baby food with mealworms and his usual chicken, duck, and pea kibble.  I am happy he made it to three years old.  I always used to think he wouldn't be around until nursing school was done, but my study buddy is still happy and healthy.  I am so glad  :)

Have a happy day!


  1. As for me, i don't appreciate that .They have to change their opinion about whom to f*ck, cuz that's rea'lly delirious. Even an essay writer proved my words.


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