Monday, December 29, 2014

A Happy Christmas 2014

I hope you and your family had a very happy Christmas this year.  I feel very spoiled this year with all the goodness around me.  Here are some pictures from my happy holidays.
 My sweetheart planned a lovely stay-cation for us this year complete with a breakfast in our room one morning.  Everything was very delicious and displayed nicely.  The hashbrowns were formed into a circular cake and I was pleasantly surprised to find that green onions and herbs had been cooked in to give it a nice, fragrant flavour.
 Every morning, I had a little wrapped present from my hunny.  There was chocolate inside, but also a hint about the activities planned for the day.  It was a fun game.  Sometimes the hints were easy to guess, other times I didn't know until we got closer to the event.
One of the activities took place at Canada Place.
We did the Christmas version of Fly Over Canada.  It was fun and it reminded me of the Soaring Over California ride at Disneyland.  You know how much I love Disneyland  :)
 Speaking of Disney, here's Olaf in Summer... lol...  He was probably a very nice ice sculpture since he was still recognizable after being left in warmer temperatures for too long.
The best part of the whole trip to Canada Place other than the show, were the Do-It-Yourself S'mores. 
 Believe it or not, I have never eaten a S'more before.
 I waited anxiously for my marshmallow to be perfectly toasted and placed onto the waiting graham cracker and chocolate square.  You can't see me in this photo.  I am drooling somewhere within biting distance.
 I must say, I LOVED it.  I think I could have eaten a whole pile of them (and then probably regretted it later after a severe sugar high).  Sooooo gooooood! 
 I was also gifted a handsome gingerbread man when watching the gingerbread competition downtown.  Some people are so talented!  My talent is only in eating gingerbread men  :P
 We also got some tummy-warming cups of hot apple cider.  Mmmm!
 Back at the hotel, I found some yummy chocolate dipped strawberries waiting for me.  I think my hunny loves me  :)  We also watched Avenue Q at Granville Island during our trip (which is hilariously inappropriate), visited the Canyon Lights at Capilano Suspension Bridge at night (you MUST check out the awesome cliff walk and the romantically lit lake), rode the Stanley Park Holiday Train (a holiday tradition that goes well with their organic popcorn), visited the German Christmas Market (I relived my childhood on the Merry-Go-Round, and forced my hunny to relive a more nightmarish version of his too) and enjoyed the delicious eateries in Vancouver.
All in all, it was a really memorable Christmas.  I could not have asked for a better last Christmas as an unmarried couple, and we look forward to next year when will be a married couple!  Cheers to a lovely, event-filled year and I wish you all an excellent year to come!


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