Friday, May 22, 2015

Mom's Steamed Ginger Egg Custard Recipe

My mom makes this steamed ginger egg custard as a dessert in our home.  She usually adds ginger when someone is feeling ill in the house as she believes the ginger is good for helping you when you are sick.  The ginger is optional though, so you can make this steamed egg custard without it.

  • 6 eggs
  • 1 small can sweetened condensed milk (3 oz)
  • 3 cups + 450 ml very warm/almost hot water
  • pea sized amount/pinch cornstarch OR 1 drop vinegar
  • Optional: shredded ginger
  • Very large metal pot with lid
  • smaller ceramic pot with lid that fits inside the metal pot easily

  1. If you want ginger custard, pre-soak shredded ginger in the water.  If you want plain egg custard, skip this step.
  2. Place ceramic pot inside large metal pot.  Add cold water to no more than half the base height of the ceramic pot.  Bring to a boil on high heat.
  3. Beat eggs well
  4. Add sweetened condensed milk and mix well.  Avoid creating too many bubbles.
  5. Add very warm/almost hot water and mix well.  If you have ginger in the water, pour the water through a strainer to remove the ginger pieces.
  6. Add pea sized amount/pinch of cornstarch OR 1 drop vinegar, not both
  7. When water is boiling in metal pot, slowly pour the egg mixture into the ceramic pot through a strainer.  
  8. Cover with ceramic lid, and then cover with metal pot lid.
  9. Turn down heat from high to medium-high (9, if you have numbers on your stove).
  10. Steam for 25 minutes.
  11. Turn off heat and let sit for 10-15 minutes.
  12. Enjoy!

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