Sunday, May 3, 2015

Spring Gardening

It's Spring in my garden again and everything is starting to grow and bloom!
The crab apple tree has lovely pink and white blossoms.
The honey crisp apple tree when it was getting ready to bloom.
Here's what appeared afterwards!  A future apple!
The blueberry bush has lovely green and pink honeysuckle-like flowers.
Pretty white and yellow strawberry flowers.
Even the brussel sprout plants left over from last year are blooming!  As a side note, I recently discovered that you can eat brussel sprout leaves, not just the brussel sprouts.  These leaves are actually quite tasty, so what a plus that you can basically eat that plant all year long!
Here's a Kale plant that is still growing from last year. 
This a a parsley plant that also survived Winter. 
Pretty purple chive blooms (you can eat those!). 
This is some strange leafy prickly plant that my mom calls "Gao Choi" in Chinese.  She picks the leaves off and makes a soup filled with it.  It doesn't taste half bad, but I have no idea what it's called in English. 
My sister's in-laws gave us two persimmon trees that they grew from seeds.  They are still small as bushes, but the leaves look pretty. 
The raspberry bushes are starting to fill out.  I can hardly wait for when they start to produce fruit. 
The oregano and thyme plants from last year are multiplying. 
Some kind of kale-like plant that grew last year from seeds.  I cannot be sure that it is Kale since it seems much shorter than the other kale plants we have, but it tastes good.  It might be the mustard plants we planted last year?  Anyways, it's not just a weed and we have been eating it all Spring. 
There's a whole plot of them growing among the English mint and Lemon Balm. 
The seed potatoes on the shelves outside got raided by the local rodents, but it looks like some seed potatoes got left behind in the plot since some healthy potato plants are growing out of the soil already.
Here are some pansies that look quite pretty.  I guess we must have had a very mild Winter since almost everything survived this year.  I'm excitedly waiting for other good stuff to pop out of the ground.  
So far I have planted different kinds of peas and beans, beets (first time!), and kale.  We put crushed egg shell around the sprouts to deter snails and slugs.
There are some store-bought tomato plants that need to be put in the ground too.
Happy Gardening!

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