Thursday, February 19, 2009

We Love Aye-ayes, Aye!

I was so delighted with the earlier pic of an Aye-aye, that I had to look him up and tell you all about it! The Aye-aye is a fascinating lemur found in Madagascar rain forest canopies. They eat nuts, grubs, fruits, nectar, seeds, and fungi. They have long, bony middle fingers which they use to tap on wood to find grubs. Once they locate a grub, they chew a hole into the wood and dig out the grubbies with their long middle finger. Pretty cool, huh?
Historically, Aye-ayes were considered an ill omen or a harbinger of evil (maybe cuz they look so creepy). Villagers believed that they brought death to a village, and would kill them on sight. Along with the destruction of their habitats, Aye-ayes are now an endangered species. There are now laws protecting Aye-ayes, and rehabilitation programs are in place at various zoos.

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  1. Ahaha! I guess it takes a certain type to think Aye-ayes are cute,but there's just something about them that I can't resist.

  2. O mine! So so so cuteeee! I thought it was a bat at first. Kola bear! I learn something new today!

  3. I've always prided myself on knowing about Lemurs and Marmosetts but I have never heard of an Aye Aye..They certainly are not like a ring tail lemur! They actually kinnda look like a hairless dog puppy!

  4. Not sure if i would go so far as to say "cute", but it did make me smile. Have a good weekend.

  5. He may be evil...but he is precious. Enjoyed this post!!

  6. I love the aye aye macros.

  7. I want that really really really bad. So bad!

  8. Very creepy cute. I wish I'd have seen that 1st photo before drawing MY Aye-aye!


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