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Saturday, January 17, 2009

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You can advertise on this blog!  Ads are on the side columns, or you can place ads onto specific blog posts.

Please contact me for more information.

About Ad Placements

Two sites available 
  1. blog  
  2. tutoring classifieds website.
Rates:  contact me directly for our current rates.

Ad sizes

- 120 px wide banners
- 125 px wide banners
- 240 px wide banners
- text link ads

How to place an ad
1. Send me your ad image or text, link address, and mouse over text.
2. Tell me what site you want your ad placed onto.
3. Send payment via Paypal to
4. I can help you with your ad image, just ask!

Project Wonderful

Ad space from a few cents to FREE! Great for promoting cost-effectively!

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Blog Statistics - Page Rank 2

Monthly Page Views: 264,294
Monthly Visits: 148,937
Followers: 661
Feed Subscribers: 682
Alexa Ranking: 3,179,679

Alexa Audience Snapshot:  Based on internet averages, is visited more frequently by females who are in the age range 35-44, have children and are graduate school educated.

Classifieds Site Statistics - Page Rank 3

Monthly Page Views: 28,115
Monthly Visits: 18,515
Alexa Ranking: 5,515,616

Alexa Audience Snapshot:  Based on internet averages, is visited more frequently by users who are in the age range 18-24, are graduate school educated and browse this site from work.