Wednesday, December 15, 2010

End of Semester One, Time for Pouches!

Today is officially the last day of my first semester of nursing school! I wrote my last exam today and now it's done, done, done! I can't believe it!

It's flown by so fast!
This morning, two lovely packages of fabric arrived on the doorstep. I think that was a sign that today would be a good day :) I'll show you the other two packages shortly, but first up is my prize from Fabric Flair.
Fabric Flair had a deal on where one or two lucky customers could snag a fabric bundle for half price. I waited every day at 9pm, but I missed it every day until I finally clued in that I was watching the wrong time zone! Eureka!
I checked the correct time zone, waited 3 hours earlier than before, and BINGO! I snagged the best half price bundle of all! Riley Blake's Wheels is soooooo adorable. The colours are bright, the patterns are fun, and I love it!
With exams finally over, I settled down for some sewing with my new fabric treasures. Check out the cute pouches I whipped up!
These are part of my new pouches that have heavy interfacing for the outer fabric and some very light padding under the lining. The end result is a much sturdier zipper pouch. The zippers from K and C Supplies are perfect for this set too. She picked the colours out for me and she did a great job :)
Sigh, I'm so delighted to be done exams. It has been a very, very rough semester, NO JOKE! Now that sewing time and rest time have started, I am feeling so gooooood!

I'm looking forward to some happy times with friends, family, and FABRIC (hehehe!)

What happy times are you looking forward to?

Have a happy day!
My Nursing School Diary


  1. Congrats on finishing your semester!!!

    Those pouches look fantastic!

    Good Luck with you sewing,

  2. I love that after exams feeling!!! Congrats on getting a semester over with

    That fabric is adorable


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