Friday, December 10, 2010

Matchbook Notebooks Bonanza

I had an order for matchbook notebooks today and I realized with a start that I had sold out of my stock! So I set out to make a new stash.
As you can see, once I got started, the stash grew quickly.
Here are some of them packaged into sets of 2, ready to be mailed out.
I read in the Etsy forums that customers often want multiples of items, but they don't want to go to the trouble of contacting the seller to make them a custom order. With this in mind, there are now matchbook notebooks available in sets of 2, 6, and 12.
That should make your gift giving much easier :)

Have a happy weekend! I'll be busy studying for my final exams next week now that I've taken my proper break.



  1. Thanks, Savannah! I just sold a set of 12, hurray!

  2. these are nice! I love those little note books & have made a few for myself :)

    Congrats on finishing your first semester of Nursing School :) :)

  3. Thank you so much, Moe! Your note makes me happy!

    These notebooks are fun to make, huh? I rather enjoy it :)


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