Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thank You Sponsors of 2010

I want to take a moment to thank you the great sponsors that have made this blog possible this past year.

Designs by Tisha
Westwood College
Pixie Dust Fineries
Bits n' Beads
Chantal's Creations
35th of May
Brynn Alex
Skill Slate
Pure Rox Jewels
Hollie Bearies
Distinctive Colour Art

With their support, many great tutorials have been created and I've had a chance to share my stories of gardening, crafting, job seeking, running my Etsy shop, and pursuing a new career path. It has been a wonderful year with many new experiences and new discoveries.

Thank you also to my dedicated readers and those of you who just happened to pass by one day while surfing the Net. This blog wouldn't be here without you either!

You might be interested to know that the monthly number of page views is currently 95,217 and the number of visits is 54,543. There are 599 followers and 613 subscribed readers. That's amazing to me!

The top pages viewed lately that I've noticed are the Origami Heart Banner Tutorial and the Origami Wreath Tutorial, probably because Christmas is coming soon!

I hope that you'll join me again for another year of exciting adventures in 2011! If you're interested in advertising on this blog or my tutoring classifieds website, you can read more about it here.


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