1. I welcome advertising on my blog.
2. I think that promoting and supporting fellow artists and small business is a great idea.
3. I sell advertising space on my blog to support my craft, my family, or another worthy cause.
the author
There's a nifty little icon out there for those opposed to advertising on blogs (which I think is great), so I think it would be just as cool to have an icon out there for blogs that like advertising on their blogs.
Some blogs don't need a source of income to stay afloat, but other blogs do and I think that's A-Okay! So if you like promoting other artists and small businesses on your blog through paid advertising, let's be proud of it and display this icon!
I'm ad-friendly, are you?
What a cute little icon...
Hee hee hee... yes, I like him.
So people really make money from advertising?!? ;0P
I need to get on that band wagon!
Well... I wouldn't say it's much money... My PW ads make enough for me to use them on other websites to promote with. It's a cyclical process where PW probably benefits the most out of all us. But, hey! It's technically free advertising! That's not so bad!
And then if I actually do make any extra money, I can redistribute that to running Mytutorlist.com so it stays free for the tutors and students. So we all win :)
I have dreams of setting up a scholarship for students one day. Ahhh... sweet dreams!
That is so cute!
I invite you to visit my blog. you can find my last works of art at:
yours Claudio Tomassini
I'm ad friendly. :)
I think it is fine to have ads on your page. Of course I appreciate the fact that you have project wonderful ads on your blog.
That's so cute! Did you design that? :D
Yeah, I designed it, but I wanted it to look like the ad-free icon. I really like the ad-free icon. If I didn't have ads on my blog, I'd post it for sure!!!
I shared this as a freebie on Etsy-Swag.
Right on!
Nice work, just what I needed, thanks!
love this! just added it to my blog ^_^
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