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Friday, February 1, 2008

Bunny Jewellery

Arrgh, my teeth hurt today! I went to the orthodontist this morning to get my braces tightened, and she also repositioned quite a few brackets. I am gingerly trying to bite a sandwich and opting to break off pieces with my fingers instead. The good side of going to the orthodontist is new colours! I now have black on the top and dark green on the bottom. I was surprised to find out how nice black braces look! It's actually quite classy and clean-looking, believe it or not.

In light of yesterday's giant bunny post, here's a little bunny pendant from Looka Jewelry. Quite cute, huh? I'll have some pictures to post soon of my new felt brooches and how I've spiffed them up to give away at my upcoming birthday dinner. Happy Friday!

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