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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fall is Lovely

Yesterday it was sunny and the trees looked so lovely! They are bright yellow on one side, and vivid red on the other, like fire! The wind blew and one tree with round, pink leaves sent a shower of little spining pinwheels down the street. They rolled like cheese down a hill along the pavement and it was quite delightful to watch.

Other trees are turning oranges and browns, and it contrasts quite nicely with the still-green grass.

I was able to harvest 3 pumpkins from my borrowed garden (the communal garden that I took over). These pumpkins actually grew out of my discarded compost, so I guess they're children from last year's pumpkins. Since my borrowed garden is not as well-watched, squirrels and disease had gotten to the pumpkins. The result is some of the ugliest pumpkins I have ever seen. They have wierd scars all over them, some from hungry squirrels, and some from bugs or some kind of rot. I don't know what caused it, but it's quite hideous. However, since I did rescue the pumpkins (readjust their position from under lots of rotting leaves and such), they did heal over from their trauma. Yes, so wierd scars is the result.

I offered them to V., but he was so disgusted by their appearance that he declined to accept, lol. However, my family adopted them immediately and they now sit on the top of the TV. My family thinks these war vetrans have a lot of character and look perfect for Halloween. Aw, now isn't that nice!? I'll have to post a pic when I get home so that you can see them.

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