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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Skipping down the ACEO road

Today, I finished my first ACEO's. I'm really quite delighted! I've been thinking about making some ACEOs for a while now ever since I discovered that there are collectors for the specific canvas size of 2.5 by 3.5 inches (trading card size). I figured I should experiment with ACEOs too.

I had finished some paintings of Lemon Sherr Birds to be made into stickers, and I found that I could just cut 3 of the originals into the correct size for ACEOs. I glued the paintings to pretty paper backings, trimmed them down to size, and drew some lovely swirls, dots, and stitch lines around the borders (I do adore stitch lines!) Then I coloured the borders with a blue pencil crayon. For the back, I designed and printed out some "official" looking labels so that I could write the title and date in a neat format. I've also signed each one.

I'm not sure if these ACEOs will sell well or not in the store, but it's a fun experiment. In any case, I like the idea of making these ACEOs because they let the paintings stay as collectable art, rather than something more practical like bookmarks. I like art for art's sake sometimes.

I hope you had a good Remembrance Day holiday. I went to the local Legion. Every year they fire a canon 21 times as young folks from cadets and other related groups line the streets in salute. Of course there is also the traditional trumpet song and some songs by bag pipes.

A small boy in front of us cheerfully cried, "Mommy! Daddy! Mommy! Daddy!" repeatedly as he high fived them back and forth. I found it ironic as I thought of how many children lost their mothers and fathers in the wars. He also freaked out every time the canon went off.

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