15 minutes to browse the garden
15 minutes to live
Check on the cuttings
Geraniums, roses, impatiens
Look at the ants busy at work
Flip the orange peels to check for leaf eaters
Then off to work we go!
-- Marie Tai

The past few mornings, I have been taking 15 minutes to check on all my plants before I go to work. I find it really refreshing to do so. I love to see how all the propagating plants are doing, and it's a marvel to see how the other plants in the garden are coming to life in the mild, sunny Spring weather.

The seeds I planted are starting to sprout their first leaves, and I'm regretting dumping in 3 packets of old flower seeds into one tiny pot.

I thought the old seeds wouldn't grow, but there is a dense population of tiny plants starting to erupt from the soil. Oops! I wonder if it's all three varieties growing? I guess I'll never know until they sprout their real leaves.

The marigold seeds I saved from last year's blooms are growing too. I'm a bit surprised, but very delighted. It's going to be a very floral summer!

My chives are also in full bloom and the purple posies among the long, green shoots is really pretty.
The little break in the early morning is wonderful to me - it gives me life and courage to face another day. If the plants can do it, I figure so can I.
Have a wonderful day!
Orange peels? I'm curious...do they attract leaf eaters, and then you throw them away? This is an interesting idea!
Hi Lynn!
YES! They attract slugs and snails. I think they like the shade and come to hide under the fragrant orange peels when it gets dry out.
I flip them over, find the slimy leaf eaters, and flip them across the lawn (geronimo!!!). The fortunate ones land on lush grass. The unfortunate ones hit the fence.
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