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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Christmas Sewing Projects - Christmas Trees

Christmas stuff is popping up everywhere now that Halloween is over.  Oh, Halloween, how I miss you already!  
But the good news is that soon my semester will be over and I can sew again.  In anticipation, I have been hoarding sewing patterns and ideas.  Check out some of the cool Christmas tree themed ones I found!
I saw a book in a quilt shop showing trees like this.  I wanted to get the book, but it seemed more practical to see if a free pattern was online  :D
I found not one, but two!  Yay!  Both of them look pretty good.  I might make my own design once I figure out what I want.  I think the top one is a tad too skinny and this one needs curlier boughs  :)
This looks like a quick and easy ornament/gift to whip up!  I ordered a pair of pinking shears a while back so whenever those arrive... *evil maniacal laugh*
I like how curly these branches are and how they are curved on the ends.  Maybe I could use this pattern to make the other trees?  Maybe I could make the branches a bit less skinny though...  Still, very cute!
Another easy ornament/gift idea!  I just need nice red fabric and cute ribbon.  I probably have lots in my fabric hoard  :D
It has been a while since I used felt, but it used to be a regular with me.  I'm sure I still have lots in my collection.  You might too!
Cute!  I like these little quilted cones!
The link doesn't give you a pattern for this, but if you look up how to make fabric yo-yo's I think you'll see how this little tree might be made!

Alright, I better stop my Christmas gift-making dreaming.  Back to the homework!

If you have started your gift making, what are you planning to make this year?
UPDATE 2016! - Here's a pattern that I ultimately drafted up after coming up with a Christmas tree design that I liked!  It looks pretty pro, eh?  You can buy the pattern and templates here.

1 comment:

Christmas Fabric said...

Those fluffy threes at the top looks so cute to have with, well everything does, I love those quilted cones too, besides I think they are the easiest to handle with among them all.