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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Felt Owl Stickers

Aha! More stickers! This is my favourite set out of all the different sticker sets I'll be posting as I go. I love the subtle stripey brown cardstock backing with the trees (which I drew on by hand). The owl stickers turned out so bright and perfect that I'm really quite pleased.

They're flying around happily in the shop.

Starting today, 10% of all purchases from Blue Pandemonium will go towards feeding those in need. There's a shortage at the local foodbank because the usual donors are cutting back. Unfortunately, the number of hungry people is going up!

I encourage everyone to take some time and effort out to drop off an unperishable food item at their local foodbank. It doesn't have to be a lot, but every little bit helps. (As a perpetual-scrounger-of-foodstuff, the idea of truly hungry people hits a chord.) Please give.

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