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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Shirley Temple Recipe (Non-alcoholic)


1/2 cup lemon lime soda (7-up/Spritz-up)
1/4 cup orange juice
1 tablespoon grenadine

1 maraschino cherry or orange slice for garnish

ice cubes for coolness

Instructions (easy)
  1. Pour lemon lime soda into a clear glass
  2. Add orange juice
  3. Add grenadine (it will sink to the bottom)
  4. Optional: gently add a few ice cubes on top so that the layers aren't disturbed.
  5. Optional: Garnish with maraschino cherry or a slice of orange
  6. Enjoy!
If you just follow the instructions above, your Shirley Temple will be orange on top, and reddish orange on the bottom half. If you want to make the different layers of ingredients more separated from each other so that it looks even prettier for serving to guests, this is how to do it:

Instructions for more separated colours (advanced)
  1. Pour lemon lime soda into a clear glass
  2. Pour the orange juice carefully down the side (inside) of the glass. It will mix with the soda, but most of it will sit under the soda layer. You will find it easier to tilt your glass a little before you pour in the orange juice.
  3. Drop half of the grenadine down the center of the glass, and run the other half down the side of the glass. The center drop will mix with the lower half of the orange juice, but the portion that was run down the side of the glass will sit under the orange juice and create a darker red base. If you drop all of the grenadine down the side of the glass, it will stay there and only mix a little with the orange juice, but you won't have as much flavour throughout your drink unless you mix the layers. So it's better to do half-half.
  4. Optional: Very gently place a few ice cubes on top of the drink so that the layers aren't disturbed.
  5. Optional: Garnish with a maraschino cherry or a slice of orange.
  6. Impress your friends and enjoy!
  • Make one before your party, mix it up, and taste it. Experiment with different amounts of the ingredients to see if you like more or less of each ingredient. For instance, you might like more grenadine or more orange juice.
  • Some recipes use ginger ale instead of lemon-lime soda. You can try that if you have some ginger ale handy and see if you like that better. You could also experiment with adding a little ginger ale to the current recipe to give it little kick.
  • If you're holding a big party and you won't want to bother with making everyone a glass of Shirley Temple. You can consider making a glass pitcher and multiplying the ingredients to fit into your pitcher. Your pitcher will sit nicely on display for everyone to ooh and aah at, but you don't have to keep mixing the drinks up for everyone all night. I would recommend the easy recipe for this since it will keep the flavours more mixed up so that each poured glass will taste right, instead of the first glasses being all orange juice and soda with very little grenadine flavouring.
  • This would be a good drink for a kid's party!

Twilight Night With The Girls

Tonight was Twilight Night! Two of my girlfriends and I got together and we watched the first two Twilight films so that we can refresh our memories (and geek out) before we watch the third one coming out soon. I know, I know, you're shaking your head and wondering why I've gone and lost my mind like this, but it was really fun!

We've all watched the movies before so we could chat and comment about the different scenes and actors throughout and no one minded one bit. You can't do that in a real movie theater - people would stare you down and yell at you! Instead, we chatted happily and nibbled on nachos, veggies and dip, chicken strips, wings, sausage rolls, tea cakes with homemade jam... (I've GOT to learn how to make some homemade jam of my own, it was so good!) Oh, and I made Shirley Temples!
I was looking for a red, Twilight-themed drink, but I came across Shirley Temples and they looked so cheery that I couldn't resist making some for the party. I'll post the instructions for how to make one soon. We did a lot of experimenting so that we could get the look and taste of it just right :)
Heh, and I made some Twilight-themed matchbook notebooks. I thought it would be nice to have a little treat/present for each of them since they were so nice to geek it out with me. I do love the Twilight series so much!I hope you're having a lovely weekend with your dear family and friends.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Winner For The Pieces Of Me Pendants Giveaway Contest

The allure of summer has been great and I've been so reluctant to tear myself away from my beloved garden. But I know you're waiting to find out who won, so here I am to announce the very lucky winner of the Pieces of Me Pendants Giveaway Contest!
The winner will win a pendant of their own choice from the Pieces Of Me Pendants shop, complete with their choice of chain type. You'll be sporting your fancy new necklace very soon!
Will it be a sweet message about your hubby?
Or a message to the world about your new, upcoming status?Or perhaps you can bask in the loveliness of a vintage illustration from Alice in Wonderland? (I know that's what I would choose!). The possibilities are endless!
I am happy to announce that the winner is... number 1, Katia! Early bird gets the PENDANT! This is the first time that #1 has come up for me from the random number generator! How neat!Katia's pendant of choice is the vintage typewriter pendant with the snake chain. I must admit that it looks very snazzy. It would go nicely with a number of different outfits since it's black and white and it's a very versatile and classic image. Nice choice, Katia!If you didn't win this contest, no worries! At only $5.95 each, you can buy ALL your favourite pendants!

Hurry on over and get yours now.

Thanks for joining the giveaway, and I hope to see you again for the next one!

Have a happy weekend!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Shop Sale On Now

Been waiting for a sweet deal before you buy all your paper supplies, cards, tags, and stickers? Now's the time!
There's a BIG sale going on in my shop right now! Fill your crafting cravings now before all the goodies are gone.


Monday, June 21, 2010

That Was Fast

I noticed that the impatien cuttings aren't drooping as much today so I gently unearthed one cutting.
Lo and behold, there are roots already growing in! I can't believe how fast impatiens put down roots from cuttings. It's sort of amazing. So, yeah, if you're a total newbie at propagating plants, start with impatiens.
Just cut off some healthy stems, plant them in soil, water carefully so that the leaves and soil are always kept moist for the first 1-2 weeks (so pick a container with good drainage), and you'll have no trouble growing a whole batch of new plants. Only give them indirect sunlight too. The direct sunlight will dry them out too fast, and you want to simulate a moist environment that will keep the cuttings alive and hydrated until they can put down roots to get their own water source. See how I totally soak the leaves with water? I'm not giving them a chance to dry out at all.

The full propagation tutorials with photographs are here.

I checked on the dahlia, petunia, and fuchsia cuttings too, but none of them have roots yet. Impatiens are just Speedy Gonzales!

Happy Gardening!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Anti-Slug Movement

The slug population was at a max when we arrived at this new house. No one had taken care of this garden and it was a lush jungle of weeds and happy garden pests. So the minute new plants got planted, the slugs mowed them down.
My mom was very angry after her pickle and another zucchini plant got eaten. Thus began our mission to rid the garden of the booming slug population.
At first, it was a very messy business. I marched out with garden shears in hand and snipped all the slugs into halves. Ewwwwwwwww! (But on the happy side, that's a very eco-friendly and highly effective method!)
Next, my mom took out the slug bait (not so eco-friendly), and some poor slugs ate themselves to death (still a very messy business). She kept the slug bait in plastic containers so that the slug bait didn't get into the soil. I bought the vegetable-garden-safe kind, but I still like to keep it out of the soil when I can.
And now that the slug population is much more manageable, we've found a new eco-friendly way to protect our plants from being eaten - busted pots! My mom had a thin plastic pot that came with one of her tomato plants and it was cracked down the side, making it useless for planting other plants into. However, it's perfect as a barrier for keeping out the slugs.
I cut the bottom off, and divided the pot into top and bottom halves (with those deadly-to-slug garden shears, no less!) . Then I placed the plant in the middle, topped it up with good soil and, voila! The plant is now safe from slugs. Just make sure that the barrier is high enough from the surrounding soil that the slugs won't decide to scale the wall.

Well, hopefully your garden isn't as slug infested as mine. I think I'll still be slug-hunting with the garden shears for a while (ugh!), but at least I can plant things into the garden now without having to worry that they'll be missing come morning time.

Who would have thought that gardening could be such a frighteningly violent past-time, huh?

Have a happy, slug-free week!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gardening Adventures With Cheap Plants

I've been puttering in the garden lately, so I have no excuse for not getting back into shape. Aside from attacking prickly weeds with a garden hoe, there have been bushes and trees to trim, seeds to plant, and a new garden to fill with soil.
Some of the wooden ties in the garden were rotten, and a portion near the house was oddly unfinished. So V. came over one sunny day and went to work at rebuilding it. It looks much nicer now and we immediately filled it with nice, new soil.

Unfortunately, I also dumped the old strawberry container upside down into it (I wanted to divide them again). It turns out the container was its very own anthill, complete with ant swarms and ant babies that look like rice. Oh joy. I just added an ant infestation to my new, uncontaminated soil...

So all those plants you see there in the picture? They didn't get planted yet. I have to wait for the ants to finish rescuing all their ant babies.
This is my new giant composter! Ooohhh! Aaaaahh! My sister got it for free at a yard give-away thing so we're putting it to good use. No more bucket and "stir stick"!
I stopped by Home Depot and raided their clearance center for plants. They had overgrown dahlia plants there that had just finished flowering. They didn't look so great to the average person, but I could see that they were in the perfect stage for propagating! And for only $1 a pot, it was a steal! V. took them up to the cashier, put them down, and said, "Three dead plants, please" to the cashier. He thought it was pretty funny that I was buying "dead plants", but I know good stuff when I see it :P

The only difficult part with dahlia plants that have just finished flowering is that it's hard to tell what colour their flowers will be unless a wilted flower is still attached to the plant.
Here are some dahlia cuttings ready to become new plants. Note that I just made 9 plants out of one. As the original dahlia continues to grow and flower, I will snip more stems off so I can continue to add to my dahlia garden all summer and fall.

You can follow the tutorial here if you want to propagate some dahlias of your own.
They had a sale on impatiens and petunias so I picked up some of those too. They were also perfectly overgrown (which is why they are on sale), so all those plants in the photo above are cuttings that will be grown into new plants of their own. I have also propagated some fuchsias.

I have been careful to keep them shaded and well watered over the past few days so that they have a chance to put down roots and not dry up. (My dad even put up a big red umbrella for me on some sunny late afternoons!)

I've never propagated petunias before so this is an experiment for me. If it works, I'll post a tutorial.
Meanwhile, I've also been experimenting with crafts. Someone sent me a matchbook notebook and I found it surprisingly useful to keep in my purse to jot down emails and contact information. So I figured I'd make some for a friend, and now I have a whole lotta them! I'll put some in the shop for you.

I'm just making them for fun, so you're welcome to snatch one up for 50 cents a piece. If you want a batch to give out to your friends, just let me know and I'll make you a custom order.

Have a happy weekend!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Recent Treasury Features

I've been very lucky to be included in some really fabulous treasuries lately. Here are some screen snapshots with links to the treasuries. The treasuries are time-limited so I hope they are still there for you enjoy.
My Love Bird Card Tags were featured in a sweet treasury called "You are my sunshine...".
The black and white cardstock butterflies were featured in a treasury called "Who needs color anyways?"
The text black and white magazine cut out butterflies were featured in a treasury called "Text Me"

Thank you so much to ArtTales, spoiledroyalgirls and ascrappydesign for designing these wonderful treasuries and including me! I really appreciate it :)

Have a happy weekend!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Cruise Vacation To Alaska

I'm baaaack! I had a wonderful vacation and here I am to show you some pictures and to tell you about Alaska!
Well, first of all, we were on a different cruise line this time. Last time we went on Royal Carribbean's Serenade of the Seas, and this time we went with Celebrity's Mercury. There is a big difference, so take note if you're planning a cruise vacation of your own. I'll tell you more in a bit.
We hopped on board early and avoided all of the long line ups. The upside is that we had toured most of the ship by the time we left port at 5pm, the downside is that we got on board before the Port guides were available so we missed out on the Port and Shopping Guide book which has all the coupons for freebies in Alaska.

If it's your first time to Alaska and you like freebies, make sure you pick up that book and scope out all the coupons available on board for other freebies. It makes your Alaskan trip more like a scavenger hunt (and rather fun that way...)!
Food on the boat is pretty good. Cruise vacations include all of your food so it's a non-stop smorgasboard all the time. I treated myself to some scrumptious french toast one morning, mmmmm! If you don't like buffets, you can head over to the restaurant for some fine dining. That's included in your fee too!

I had well over 5 courses every meal. I usually had 2 appetizers, a soup, a salad, a main course, and 2-3 desserts. Talk about being greedy! But BOY was it fun! You can order as much food as you like, the portions are small so that you can do this kind of thing. The service was exceptional (they even de-shelled my lobster for me!)
Of course the highlight of Alaska is the glaciers. On our way to Hubbard Glacier, we had to pass through a gauntlet of ice floes. Many moments felt like The Titanic because massive glaciers often felt too close for comfort. Not to fear though, the captain knew exactly which ice floes were safe or dangerous.

See this ice floe above? A lot of the workers leaned over the ship to watch it nervously as it passed by, but nothing happened when we seemed to go over it.
This is Hubbard Glacier! It's so beautiful. As we went towards it, the wind was icy cold and I had to run back to the cabin to grab an extra jacket. I was fully bundled up in woolen hat, gloves, scarf, hoody, jacket, and I was STILL freezing! But it was totally worth standing at the front of the boat watching it. We got 1.8 miles close to it (maximum legal distance is 1.5) and we could see the glacier break off huge chunks that avalanched into the ocean. The cracking sound was like thunder! It was amazing.
The view the whole way was spectacular. Open oceans, ice covered mountains, and vivid blue skies made for many picture-perfect moments.
At night, after dinner, we headed to the theatre for live shows. One of my favourite acts was an acrobat couple. They were so strong, flexible, and beautiful to look at (as you can see from above)!
In Hoonah, Icy Strait, I took pictures of any little critters I could find. This was a little beetle sitting on some of the slate rocks. Hoonah is covered with a lot of slate. There also seems to be a lot of iron in the rocks here so it's often reddish every where you look. I'm not sure if the iron is from the rocks or from old rusted material scattered abundantly all over this area. It used to be a huge cannery location.
Along the beachline, you can find many interesting rocks. This one is so smooth on the sides and carved out to form the different rock layers. I imagine that this must have been caused as the glaciers carved out this particular area a long time ago as they passed through.
I found many of these along the beach too. I'm not sure what they are. My dad thought maybe it used to be a sea urchin, but all the spikes are gone. Either way, they are pretty to look at. Inside, they are hollow.
This little chipmunk was busily eating something. He didn't care that we were all snapping pictures of him. It must be a tasty tid bit.
The bulk of the Hoonah visit is spent in the old cannery, which is a tourist spot.
You can also take a bus for 8 dollars to see the downtown area. We decided to try it this time since we had already seen the cannery. To our surprise, this is what Hoonah downtown looks like. It's an old fishing village, and the lifestyle is simple. I couldn't spot more than a corner store to really explore (the rest was people's houses...) so we didn't get off the bus. It was enough to observe from the open bus windows.

I must say though, these houses might look decrepit, but they have an amazing ocean view.
In Juneau, Alaska, V. surprised me with a whale watching expedition. It was fantastic! I saw so many humpback whales that were so close! They were right in front of me and swam under my boat!
You can usually spot a whale when they breath and spray water into the air in a noisy hiss.
It was so much fun! I highly recommend a whale watching expedition if you ever go to Juneau.
We also stopped to ogle a whole herd of sea lions. They are so noisy and curious. I was particularly amused by the giant, pale coloured ones that acted like they owned the place and all the sea lions on it. They hung out in the water most of the time watching us, but they would climb onto the rocks with much occasion, shoving everyone out of the way to claim a coveted sunning spot.
On the way back to the ship, we were treated with hot cocoa, coffee, donuts, and some smoked salmon on ritz crackers. It was yummy and very fun :) We all had a jolly good time.
Much of the trip was spent lounging on deck in the sun, sipping on coffee or tea and watching the ocean.
With amazing weather and skies like this, it wasn't hard to relax. I can't wait until the next vacation when I can relax again.

Oh! On the topic of different cruise lines, here's my opinion...

I found Royal Carribbean more suited to my age group of young adults and couples. There was simply more to do during the day and the activities were more suited to a younger crowd. Celebrity was more suited to a much older crowd - mainly retirees and people that sleep lightly at night (wake early, sleep late) and might take a nap during the day. I found that I missed many of the early activities by sleeping in after a late night, and there wasn't much to do during midday. I actually took a nap some afternoons like my ship mates because there was nothing to do and everyone else seemed to be taking a nap.

Common activities on Celebrity were things like Bingo, Casino, Art Auctions, and Name That Elvis Tune. There was Name That 50's/60's Tune too, and most of the music on board was catered to an older crowd.

In terms of the food, I enjoyed the food on Royal Carribbean more. I really like fine dining and I found Royal Carribbean impressed me more on things like freshness, taste, and flavour. The presentation for both were quite good, but I wasn't wowed when I actually ate the food on Celebrity. On the other hand, I was often wowed by the food on Royal Carribbean. Escargot for sure was better on Royal Carribbean, but the ladies across from me didn't seem to mind the Celebrity escargot seeing as how they ordered it every day. I only ordered it once and reacted with a "blech!"

Celebrity does a good job with their salads though. All of the salads I tried were good. Their soups, however, are not as good. I didn't find a single great soup until the last day. And even then, the corn chowder was only good. The blueberry soup at lunch the last day was worth mentioning, but the rest of the fruit soups were so-so. The major soup disappointments were the seafood soups like lobster bisque, which ended up being too fishy and salty. I had a potato and leek soup one night that was cold, which I found kind of gross. I expect a potato and leek soup to be hot and creamy.

The pastas were also disappointing, but I tried a garlic and chicken pizza on the last night that was was fantastic. I went back to the pizza joint to get more, but they were closed by then.

Desserts were a hit and miss. I had an apricot tartlet on the first day that was sooooo good. Most of their tartlets are really good! But the cheesecakes were either good or blah, never perfect. I had a chocolate pudding on the last day that was quite good though. V. wasn't impressed with their version of the key lime pie and said Royal Caribbean was better. Next time, we might try Princess Cruise Lines or Norwegian. Our dinner friends said that Norwegian had phenomenal entertainment.
Anyhoo, I hope that gives you some insight into choosing a cruise line for your Alaskan vacation. And you should go! It's totally worth it :)

Have a happy week!