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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Gum Graft Experience - 11 days later

Okay, so it's 11 days later now. I can eat whatever I want as long as I eat it on the other side of my mouth, and nothing really hurts anymore. I can also open my mouth a little more before I feel pulling on the stitches.
The gum graft area is still gross around the edges, but it's a nice pink colour otherwise. However, I'm not sure if that nice pink colour is my original gums or partially the gum graft. I am still suspicious that maybe the gum graft fell off.

I guess I'll find out when I go in for my check up in about 5 more days. I really, really hope that the gum graft did not fall off because I really don't want to go through this again.
The donor site on the roof of my mouth looks about the same as day 7 or day 8, but there are definitely some lighter areas under the wound.

I hope all is well with you!


All on Four Chicago Loop said...

I was following all your blogs, you described all the stages of the treatment with an ease. I enjoyed reading your blogs. It is good to see that your gum craft is looking as natural as possible.

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Unknown said...

I am 10 days post op and my graft site is still very tacky* it hasn't pinked up at all. It seems that skin from the graft is not at thick and the skin around it as a can feel a "ledge". I'm so scared this graft is failing. My dentist didn't seem concerned but I'm freaking out!

Unknown said...

I am 10 days post op and my graft site is still very tacky* it hasn't pinked up at all. It seems that skin from the graft is not at thick and the skin around it as a can feel a "ledge". I'm so scared this graft is failing. My dentist didn't seem concerned but I'm freaking out!

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