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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Goodbye, Zombie Dave

Today, Zombie Dave is off to terrorize a new home. "Sold!" he cackles now, and imagines all the fresh, tasty brains he can snack on. I hope the people that have adopted Zombie Dave own helmets! They'll want to keep those on - especially at night. He's a sneaky one, that Zombie Dave!Nervous Bot was packaged today too. He hasn't been sold yet, and that makes him nervous. He's standing in his packaging, looking amazingly like he needs to pee... hehehe! Poor guy! I hope someone adopts him soon so he can stop looking so fidgety. But, then again, who am I kidding? He's Nervous Bot! Nothing will make him less nervous!

You can try, though. I've heard he has a soft spot for lemon squares (with extra icing sugar!) and hot tea. He's apparently a sucker for hot biscuits too.

This December and New Years, all purchases will come with a free surprise gift. It's my Christmas present to you. The presents are different for everyone, but they're all good :)

Happy Holiday Shopping!

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